Global warming solutions
Global warming-the heating up of the earth due to trapped light rays in the atmosphere.
The layer preventing light rays from escaping is a layer of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and many other gases such as methane. Thus, what we need to do is to find a way to reduce the amount of these types of gases in the atmosphere.
One known solution is by eating less meat. However, my research only shows that humans should eat less meat from animals, such as cows and pigs. What about the other types of meat? An example is fishes. What about eating less vegetables? Does that help us slow down the process of global warming? Read on to find out.
Eating less meat helps as the rearing of animals takes lots of land space and vegetables are grown to feed these animals. Thus, more vegetables are grown to feed the animals than to feed the humans. During the growing of vegetables, large land area are cleared to grow these vegetables for the animals. These land area are usually cleared by deforestation which thus contributes to the massive amount of carbon dioxide/monoxide in the air. Not only this, cows and pigs produce lots of methane, which is also a large factor contributing to global warming. Thus, stop eating meat from these poultry animals!
Eating less meat, from fishes also stops global warming. It is a known fact that ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Fishes and other marine creatures play a big role in maintaining the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Marine creatures help in maintaining the concentration of CO2 in the sea.
Eating less marine plants, such as seaweed will help in reducing Co2 emission. Marine plants photosynthesise in the ocean, thus taking in carbon dioxide concentration in the ocean and in the atmosphere.
Eating more organic vegetables also helps in reducing carbon emission. Organic vegetables do not use pesticides which contains CFC, which contributes more harmful gases to the atmosphere.
Does eating less vegetables help in reducing carbon dioxide? I feel that if people eat less vegetables, there will be a lesser number of vegetables needed to be grown for consumption. Thus, i feel that lesser land area will be cleared to grow vegetables and lesser pesticides and fertilizers will be used, thus, reducing the number of carbon emission. However, we should grow more plants in countries to help the carbon emission as plants undergo photosynthesis which thus helps regulate the amount of carbon dioxide/other gases in the air. So, what do we eat then, if we cannot eat meat or vegetables? Humans can still eat these things, but just do so in moderation. For example, we should not go for buffet as during buffets, people tend to take lots of food and eat more than needed.(stuff food into their mouth)
-Samantha lye
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