Geography Matter!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Geography reflection

This shows the growth of some basil plants. The basil are grown again and again for 3 times and then the seeds are thrown away. The roots that are darker in colour shows the basil plant that has been grown before whereas the lighter coloured roots shows a newly planted basil seed. The roots are suspended from the Styrofoam 'lid' and water with nutrients are sprayed onto the roots at an interval of 30seconds via pipes. Water is obtained from a well with nutrients.[refer to picture 1] Seeds are planted into the Styrofoam boxes. This farm grows all types of vegetables such as butter head lettuces and many more. More plants can be grown in Little land space in an aerophonics farm. Plants can also be growth faster and plants growth will be healthy due to the consistent amount of water and nutrients. However, Large amount of money is needed to buy machines and fertilizers. Some chemicals in nutrients may also cause cancer and Alzheimer.

This is a picture of traditional farming at Bollywood farm. This is the growing of pineapples. The tires at the top support the pineapples as they are creeper plants. Traditional farming uses soil and nutrients are obtained from the soil. In traditional farming, more manual work are involved as water and fertilizers are added by the farmers. More space are needed in traditional farming. Plants may not be all healthy in traditional farming.

Reflection of trip to farms

After the farm trip, I felt amazed at how fast the world had changed. From traditional farming which uses soil to aerophonic farming. A fast, productive farming using machines. This showed how fast the world has changed in terms of food production to suit the massive demand of food on Earth. I think this type of modern farming will help Singapore. Singapore has a very small land area. Thus making every inch of land precious. Singapore's population is increasing rapidly. Hence, Singapore needs to find self-sustainacy thus, aerophonics can just be the answer to the food supply of Singapore. Little land area is needed and lots of food can be produced thus, it fullfills the conditions therefore, it is the answer to singapore's demanding food supply.

Reflection on growth of plants in hydrophonic kit I learned perseverance and dilligence from the growth of hydrophonic kit. Perseverance was needed to ensure that the plants grow. Dilligence was needed to ensure that recording of the plants was completed. Samantha lye[34] 2-1


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