Geog fieldtrip 2011
Research topic: Flooding in Singapore
Hypothesis: There are low-lying areas along East Coast Beach that are prone to flooding.
What i need to find out: Evidences of low-lying areas, such as flooded areas, wet soil/sand/rocks and angle of land inclination
Structures that shows evidences of flooding, such as erosion of concrete and weathering
Structures that prevent flooding, such as breakwaters/seawalls and trees/plants.
Methodology[steps and procedures]: 1.Walk towards the beach and look at general view of buildings/structures on land
2. Look out for erosion in structures
3. Look for differences in rock structure. For example, colouring indicating differences in water level.
4. Differences in sand colour
5. Presence of structures preventing flooding?
6. Interviews
Reflection/sharing of findings:
Order of view from the beach[from furthest to nearest to beach]: Shops, concrete, sand,concrete, sand
In this picture, this shows evidence of erosion. This is a picture of a concrete that has eroded. I think the cause of this is that during flooding, the water and waves has gradually eroded away the concrete.
Hypothesis: There are low-lying areas along East Coast Beach that are prone to flooding.
What i need to find out: Evidences of low-lying areas, such as flooded areas, wet soil/sand/rocks and angle of land inclination
Structures that shows evidences of flooding, such as erosion of concrete and weathering
Structures that prevent flooding, such as breakwaters/seawalls and trees/plants.
Methodology[steps and procedures]: 1.Walk towards the beach and look at general view of buildings/structures on land
2. Look out for erosion in structures
3. Look for differences in rock structure. For example, colouring indicating differences in water level.
4. Differences in sand colour
5. Presence of structures preventing flooding?
6. Interviews
Reflection/sharing of findings:
Order of view from the beach[from furthest to nearest to beach]: Shops, concrete, sand,concrete, sand
In this picture, this shows evidence of erosion. This is a picture of a concrete that has eroded. I think the cause of this is that during flooding, the water and waves has gradually eroded away the concrete.
This shows a more severe case of erosion.
In this picture, there is a difference in the height of land. Hence, i believe that floodwater have eroded the land. The flow of water has formed depression in the sand, hence forming uneven surfaces. As vegetation is found on the sand, this could mean that there was water there.
More trees to combat sand erosion.
As we can see the buttress roots of the trees, this is evidence of flooding. During flooding, the waters will erode away soil. As we can see the roots, we can thus conclude that flooding has occurred and has washed away soil on top of the roots.
The presence of sediments, like seaweed and rubbish, tells us how hide the sea level can go. Also weathered rocks can be seen in the sand, showing evidence of weathering.
There is a difference in sand colour. The sand behind the breakwater is more dry, compared to the sand next to the breakwater.Hence, i can tell that flooding has flooded the area next to the breakwater.The breakwater is thus successful in preventing flooding.
The difference in colour of palm trees tells us that flooding has occurred. Nearer to the ground, it is darker, compared to the rest of the trees. Hence, i can tell that waters reaches the level where it is darker, giving us a gauge of how serious flooding is.
This is of a drain, found in East Coast Beach. The drain hole, has been covered with sand on all 4 sides. This could be cause by either wind or water. Wind could have blown sand into the drain holes, covering the holes. During hide tide or flooding, waves would have washed sand inland, hence, covering the drain holes.
This shows a breakwater. The presence of breakwater shows that this area has experienced flooding before and thus, the government has built breakwaters to combat flooding. The difference in colour of the breakwater shows the level of water during high tide/flooding. We can also see that at the darker areas, the rocks are more eroded and has less prominent shape. Hence, i can tell that the breakwaters are eroded by waves.
This shows a breakwater which as eroded. It is covered with sand as when the waves hit a breakwater, the waves loses energy and as they move inland, sediments are deposited, forming a sandbar. This is when the breakwater has been eroded away.The inclination of this breakwater to the newly constructed breakwater further infront of the eroded breakwater, is 80degrees.
The pavement is higher than the ground. Hence, flooding inland has occurred. This could have been caused by rain. The flooded water have washed away soil hence, making the pavement higher than the ground.
The presence of drains along East Coast Park drains away floodwater, during flooding. The government may have built this rain after experiencing flooding.
The presence of sediments, like seaweed and rubbish, tells us how hide the sea level can go. Also weathered rocks can be seen in the sand, showing evidence of weathering.
There is a difference in sand colour. The sand behind the breakwater is more dry, compared to the sand next to the breakwater.Hence, i can tell that flooding has flooded the area next to the breakwater.The breakwater is thus successful in preventing flooding.
The difference in colour of palm trees tells us that flooding has occurred. Nearer to the ground, it is darker, compared to the rest of the trees. Hence, i can tell that waters reaches the level where it is darker, giving us a gauge of how serious flooding is.
This is of a drain, found in East Coast Beach. The drain hole, has been covered with sand on all 4 sides. This could be cause by either wind or water. Wind could have blown sand into the drain holes, covering the holes. During hide tide or flooding, waves would have washed sand inland, hence, covering the drain holes.
This shows a breakwater. The presence of breakwater shows that this area has experienced flooding before and thus, the government has built breakwaters to combat flooding. The difference in colour of the breakwater shows the level of water during high tide/flooding. We can also see that at the darker areas, the rocks are more eroded and has less prominent shape. Hence, i can tell that the breakwaters are eroded by waves.
This shows a breakwater which as eroded. It is covered with sand as when the waves hit a breakwater, the waves loses energy and as they move inland, sediments are deposited, forming a sandbar. This is when the breakwater has been eroded away.The inclination of this breakwater to the newly constructed breakwater further infront of the eroded breakwater, is 80degrees.
The pavement is higher than the ground. Hence, flooding inland has occurred. This could have been caused by rain. The flooded water have washed away soil hence, making the pavement higher than the ground.
The presence of drains along East Coast Park drains away floodwater, during flooding. The government may have built this rain after experiencing flooding.
This shows presence of sand on the jetty. This could have been washed up by water or blown by wind.
Monsoon season is from November to February. Flooding can occur all the way to the shops, like MacDonald. We tried to conduct some interviews with the shop owners about the regularity of flooding and the extent of damage. However, the people at the shops claimed that they were too busy to entertain our questions.
The inclination of land from the sea to the highest point the waves reaches during hide tide, is 80 to 70 degrees.
On 5 March 2006, it was reported in the media that certain parts of the park are experiencing soil erosion which caused certain beachfront areas to collapse. One of the reasons that the authorities attributed to was global warming which has resulted in a higher sea level, thus bringing the coast further inland.
Therefore, after this trip to East Coast Park, i can conclude that flooding exists in low-lying areas in Singapore.
-Samantha Lye
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