1a) Japan
1c) Japan has a population of 126,804,433. Japan's population density is 336 persons per square kilometre. The estimated birth rate per 1000 people last year was 7.41 while the estimated death per 1000 people was 9.83. The 2010 estimate of the sex ratio is 1.056 males/females,for 15 years and under- 1.06 males/females, for 15-64 years- 1.02 males/females, 65 years and over-0.74 males/females. The total population- 0.95 males/females. Japan's growth rate has decreased by 0.22%, compared to 2009's population in Japan.
1e) There might be more elderly people compared to the younger people. If this is the case, Japan might suffer from a decrease in population which will lead to rise in taxes and etc. There will be fewer people, therefore, the people there have to pay more as they are not as many people as before.