Geography Matter!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Why(do rivers exist?):Rivers provide us with food, energy, recreation, transportation routes, and of course water for irrigation and for drinking.

How(do rivers form?):Rivers begin in mountains or hills, where rain water or snowmelt collects and forms tiny streams called gullies. Gullies either grow larger when they collect more water and become streams themselves or meet streams and add to the water already in the stream. When one stream meets another and they merge together, the smaller stream is known as a tributary. The two streams meet at a confluence. It takes many tributary streams to form a river. A river grows larger as it collects water from more tributaries. Streams usually form rivers in the higher elevations of mountains and hills.

Impacts(on people):
Negative>Flooding,Irregular dry season water level fluctuations,Large amounts of riverbank erosion,Changing discharge – high & low flows,Changing river channels.

Positive>Source of food,water,transportation.(Some people enjoy the peace and tranquility flowing water can offer.)


~Nicole Mui~